Glocal Project

In other exciting news, my creative health & healing arts journey is taking me back to Capetown, South Africa September 29th-October 10th, 2024! I will be involved with helping facilitate a Hip Hop as Healing Festival! This is in continuation of our research, university and community discussions of the transformational power of hip hop culture and it’s ability to provide healing and autonomy in local and global communities. With your support we can together make our world a better place one relationship at a time! This transformational work is both deeply personal and professional, as it will have a large impact not only in local but global communities as well i.e. “GLOCAL”! Big shout out and thank you to those of you who donated to the cause last year! Your support has helped build a foundation that continues to grow!

Please follow this link- To learn more and donate to the cause. You can also follow my journey along the way here on my youtube channel-, in order to receive updates you will need to like and subscribe to the channel. As usual you can follow highlights on our socials ie INSTAGRAM or FB etc.! 


Fitness with a Vision

“I just want to move and feel better in my body!” In my 20 plus years in practice, I have heard this phrase over and over from my clients. Let’s face it, aren’t we all just trying move more and feel the best we can in our bodies? Whether you’re lifting weights, doing crossfit, running, practicing yoga or taking a fitness class, the end goal always seems to be pain management, improved flexibility, and improved performance.  With my Freedom Movement Therapy system I believe we can help you do just that!

Welcome to Freedom Movement Therapy

Freedom Movement Therapy FMT is a mindful yet dynamic movement system that encourages individuals in connecting with 6 key elements of earth, metal, water, wood, air and space. In connecting with these key elements it calls us to engage with our true roots of tradition and physical cultures. As most of us tend to spend a good amount of time indoors, it is important to move our bodies in ways that reset our biorhythmic clocks to our naturalistic environment. Freedom Movement Therapy integrates a multitude of therapeutic and dynamic movement art traditions to help free the mind, get your body moving and heal the soul!

Our Mission
Enrich your life with the integration of bodywork and natural fitness. Our goal is to help you feel and move better in your body and have sustainable results!

⸺ Lacouir Yancey (Owner)